The sky isn’t really blue, did you know that? The sky simply appears as the colour blue to us because it is the colour with the shortest wavelength. As rays of light from the sun hit the atmosphere, blue light scatters so much that it makes the sky appear blue. It is the contents of the atmosphere that determine the colour of the sky. In fact, on Mars, the sky appears red.

So really, what we perceive as real is based on our perception of things and more accurately, how information is able to get through to us.

1.     As without so within

This happens not only in our outside world but also in the world inside of us. The parts of your body that allow you to perceive your environment are your senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing, feeling) and how they connect to your central nervous system. When any of those senses or pathways are interfered with in any way, your perception of the world around you will change. And as your perception changes so do your response and function. What happens when you have wax in your ear? You cannot hear properly. Or the lens in your eye changes shape? You cannot see things properly. Stuffy nose and clogged sinuses? Your sense of smell and taste is different.

For a long time, we have thought that the changes that happen in a person’s body when their spines are subluxated is because the altered position of the vertebrae causes pressure on nerves, but the latest neuroscience actually gives us better insight.

2.     The main connection

When segments of the spine stop moving the way they should be, it causes interference inside your central nervous system, the part of your body that does most of the work when it comes to reading the environment. Even without waxy ears and stuffy noses, you now have an altered sense of your environment.

Your body now has an altered ‘inner map’ of where things are and how they are functioning. For instance, now your brain might think a joint is too loose and create a muscle spasm to protect it, or it might think the joint is stuck and create inflammation to loosen it up… which all results in altered function and can lead to a myriad of symptoms, pain being the most common one.

3.     How the adjustment works

The Chiropractic adjustment allows your brain to observe the environment correctly (the one outside of you and the one inside of you) allowing your body to respond properly. This is why chiropractic care has been attributed to improved vision, hearing and balance, which is all a testament to the innate healing power each one of us possesses.

(But the sky will still appear blue)


The Reality Check: A quest to understand Chiropractic from the inside out. Heidi Haavik