While chiropractors are well-known for adjusting the spine and neck, many of us are also trained to adjust the whole body. This holistic approach means that we adjust shoulders, wrists, hips, knees, feet, and more. For example, I use over twenty different adjustments just for feet and toes!

High-Pressure Jobs

Our bodies do amazing things, in part due to the complex and beautiful design of our extremities. For example, just one foot has 30 joints! With each step, those joints absorb approximately 1.5 times our body weight in pressure (and even more if we are overweight). This means a 60kg woman will experience about 90kg of pressure on each foot and knee with every step.

The pressure gets even higher with more activity. Studies indicate that jumping puts 20 times our body weight in pressure on our knees!

Full-body adjusting helps your entire body function at its best!

Our extremities need proper care to continue to perform each day, year after year. When an extremity is adjusted, joint motion is improved and the joint is rehydrated with nutrients. This lets our extremities continue doing their high-pressure job well and without pain. Extremity adjusting also helps to prevent joint replacement surgery.

When you have a healthy extremity, the benefits spread. A healthy foot will allow for and support a healthy knee, hip, and spine. A healthy shoulder will allow for and support a healthy neck. And so on! It’s all connected in what is known as the Kinetic Chain.

Extremity adjusting also allows for a well-functioning peripheral nervous system. There are essential nerves and receptors running throughout our extremities.

Extremity adjusting is an excellent tool to maintain both a healthy nervous system and well functioning extremities throughout your life. I look forward to seeing your extremities on the table!




